Scenario Generator

Generate scenarios to explore the future, create new insights and develop more robust strategic plans.

Scenario settings:

Critical uncertainties - generate scenarios based on critical uncertainties or issues for your industry and location. These scenarios are ideal for exploring potential strategic options for your business and a good starting point if you have never worked with scenarios before.

Future narratives - generate scenarios based on generic future narratives of Transformation, Collapse, Growth and Discipline. These scenarios are ideal for stress testing existing strategies and understanding potential opportunities and disruptions.
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Ready to apply futures thinking and strategic foresight to your biggest challenges? Introducing a strategy design platform that brings over 150 trends, scenario generation, visual strategy boards, combined with finely tuned AI assistants to help guide you through the process.
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Scenario help

Review the below instructions to more effectively use your generated scenarios.

Critical Uncertainties

The Tomorrow Machine has generated four plausible future scenarios based on the intersection of the high and low values of critical uncertainties from your industry and location.

These scenarios are more appropriate for understanding where new opportunities may lie for your organisation depending on how the future evolves.

Next steps

The Tomorrow Machine has generated four plausible future scenarios based on the intersection of the high and low values of critical uncertainties from your industry and location.

These scenarios are more appropriate for understanding where new opportunities may lie for your organisation depending on how the future evolves.

Consider using the following canvases with your strategy working group:
Scenario analysis canvas
Develop new strategies that adapt to a foresight scenario
Strategy Portfolio Canvas
Prioritise a more robust set of strategies that adapt to the scenarios.

Future Narratives

The Tomorrow Machine has generated four plausible future scenarios according to the location and business input you have provided.

We have created these futures based on the classic scenarios of:
  • Growth: A continuation from today
  • Discipline: Constraints applied to preserve society
  • Collapse: Multiple crises cause the collapse of society
  • Transformation: Radical changes reshape society as we know it

Next steps

The real value from scenarios are not the scenarios themselves but what you do with them. Gather a working group which is made up of a wide range of stakeholders from your organisation and share the scenarios with them. Then, consider working through the following workshop sequence to arrive at a new vision and strategic plan for your organisation:
Scenario analysis canvas
Develop new strategies that adapt to a foresight scenario
Strategy Stress Testing Canvas
See how each strategy stacks up against all scenarios
Strategy Portfolio Canvas
Prioritise a more robust set of strategies that adapt to the scenarios.
Vision of an ideal future canvas
Define your ideal future that builds on your strengths to overcome the challenges of the future
Roadmap Canvas
Chart a course from today to your preferred future