Roadmap Canvas

Chart a course from today to your preferred future


The Roadmap canvas can allow you to better plan your overall strategy. Taking insights gathered from your scenarios and other analysis, this canvas brings it all together. It will show you the pathway from now to your preferred future, overcoming barriers and exploiting opportunities, and showing clear accountability for your team.


Recommended workshop size
Recommended workshop time (minutes)
Chart a course from today to your preferred future

How to use this tool

This tool works best following the Vision of an Ideal Future (VIF) workshop. Gather your scenario team.

First, place the headline from the future on the canvas.

Next, use the cornerstones identified in the VIF workshop to place the milestones that lead to achieving your desired future. Separate these milestones into Technological, Cultural and Behavioural categories.

Populate the barriers and drivers you have identified. These may be related to particular milestones. In that case, provide a link between the related elements.

Finally, identify the actions and stakeholder who will be involved in acheiving the milestone, or could be affected by it.

Discuss with the scenario team. Ensure that the milestones are representative of those discussed int the VIF workshop. Ensure that the right stakeholders are identified and the accountabilities are clear. Ensure that the actions taken by stakeholders, especially those within your organisation are correct, achievable and will deliver the milestone as intended.

Step-by-step guide

Step 1

Assemble your scenario team in a suitable work space. Review the Vision of an Ideal Future canvas. Allow time for the team to discuss. Once agreed, place the Headline from the Future on the canvas.

Step 2

Invite participants to start listing the milestones/cornerstones identified in the VIF workshop. Categorise these into these categories: Technological - a milestone that relies on technological development, Cultural - a milestone that relies on cultural changes or the stories people tell about things, Behavioural - a milestone that relies on how people do things. These milestones can be internal and external to the organisation.

Where required, show a linkage between any of the milestones.

Step 3

Invite participants to then populate the barriers and drivers. These are often related to particular milestones. For example, a barrier may be overcome with the development of a certain technology. Show these linkages.

Step 4

Ask participants to populate the stakeholders who will be affected by the changes the milestones bring. These could be internal and external.

Step 5

Finally, ask participants to identify the actions the organisation will take in response to the milestones, barriers and drivers. These actions should be clear, consice and allocated to the most appropriate and accountable person or role.

The sequence of these actions is your strategic roadmap.

The Scenario Analysis Canvas was inspired by the following approaches/books:

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