More Evenly Distributed
February 2, 2024

More evenly distributed - Neurodiversity and the future of work

Week ending 02 February 2024

I selected this week's topic because of a conversation I had with a neurodivergent friend about some of the challenges they face in their current workplace. With a history of loyal clients and ability to break through to important stakeholders, they are an asset to any employer in their industry but were finding frustration in not being "used" properly and then when asked for their opinion found resistance for being too forthcoming.

With a shortage for talent, especially in technology sectors, and with the pace of technology moving so fast, it seems obvious that serious employers would be finding ways to engage with more neurodiverse talent. In the report below, you'll see that organisations like Microsoft are doing just that, but many more organisations can benefit from adopting more friendly attitudes to people who work in different ways from the normal.

Signals from the future:

Emerging trends that are likely to drive changes to the way we live, work and do business.

Society & Working





  • Azeem’s 2024 Trends: AI, Energy, and Decentralization - Harvard Business Review - Key insight: The podcast discusses trends shaping the world in 2024, including AI adoption, decentralisation, and the energy transition.
  • Forage Into The Future #8 - Savant In Space - Cutting-edge updates and insights in venture capital, artificial intelligence, robotics, energy, semiconductors, and space exploration. Collaboration and information sharing encouraged.

Focus Issue - Neurodiversity and the future of work

The future of work is not just about embracing technology and flexible work arrangements; it's also about recognizing the value of neurodiversity. Neurodivergent individuals, who may have conditions like autism, ADHD, and dyslexia, bring unique perspectives and skills to the table. Companies like Microsoft are leading the way with their Neurodiversity Hiring Program, which is designed to attract talented neurodivergent candidates and support them in their career growth. This initiative not only benefits the individuals but also enhances the teams they join with increased productivity and innovation.

Despite the clear advantages, there's a stark contrast in employment rates, with an estimated 30% to 40% of neurodivergent adults unemployed, and for college-educated autistic individuals, this rate could be as high as 85%. This is where platforms like Mentra come into play, using AI to connect neurodivergent job-seekers with suitable career opportunities. By prioritising inclusivity and collaboration, Mentra has seen success in retention and interview invitations, showcasing the potential of neurodivergent professionals when given the right opportunities.

However, the journey to a neurodiverse workforce is not without its challenges. AACSB points out that there's still a lack of focus on neurodiversity in business schools and workplaces compared to other aspects of diversity. To combat this, they suggest offering relevant training and content to reduce stigma and create more inclusive environments. This includes reimagining accessibility, partnering with neurodiverse communities, and advocating for policy changes. It's about valuing diversity in all its forms and recognising the contributions of individuals from all backgrounds.

Addressing the structural labour shortage in the American labour market could be partly mitigated by harnessing the strengths of neurodivergent individuals. Their creativity, lateral thinking, and complex visual-spatial skills are invaluable in building a future-ready workforce. Yet, there is a lack of neurodiversity-inclusive pathways in higher education and workplaces, which hampers organisational success. MIT Sloan Management Review suggests that exploring and implementing neurodiversity-inclusive practices could be a win-win solution for both employers and neurodivergent individuals.

Embracing neurodiversity is reshaping the future of work, with neurodiverse individuals becoming increasingly sought after for roles that require precision, attention to detail, and pattern recognition. Companies are not only actively recruiting neurodiverse individuals but are also implementing specialised hiring programs to support them. A neurodiverse workforce fosters creativity and innovation, promotes inclusivity, and benefits from prioritised mental health and well-being in the workplace.

The future of work is finding ways to tap the potential of neurodivergent individuals as their unique talents are a significant asset to any organisation. Looking to the future, it's clear that neurodiversity will play a pivotal role in shaping a dynamic and resilient workforce.

Consider these strategic insights:

  • Implement Neurodiversity Hiring Programs: Similar to Microsoft's initiative, create dedicated hiring processes to attract and retain neurodivergent talent, leveraging their unique skills for increased innovation and productivity.
  • Invest in Neurodiversity Education: Follow AACSB’s advice to offer training and development that raise awareness about neurodiversity in the workplace, thereby reducing stigma and fostering an inclusive culture.
  • Collaborate with Educational Institutions: Partner with community colleges and universities to develop neurodiversity-inclusive career pathways, as suggested by MIT Sloan Management Review, to help fill skill gaps and build a future-ready workforce.
  • Advocate for Inclusive Policies: Work towards policy changes that support neurodiversity, ensuring that business environments and practices are conducive to the success of neurodivergent individuals.
  • Prioritize Mental Health: Emphasize mental well-being in the workplace by providing accommodations and support systems, recognizing that this not only benefits neurodiverse individuals but also the broader team and company performance.

Deep strategy:

Longer form articles rich with insights:

  • 3 Reasons Why Every Department Needs Its Own Strategy - Harvard Business Review - Individual departments should have their own strategies to achieve collective goals, ensuring effective implementation and ownership of responsibilities. Clear communication and alignment are crucial.
  • Democratizing Futures Thinking: Revolutionizing Strategic Planning with Caution - | Futurist Speaker - An essay on the risks of the so-called democratisation of futures thinking despite the obvious opportunities and need for introducing more evolved ways of thinking to more people. Like many "schools of thought" that enjoy a fashionable surge and inevitable retreat, futures thinking is the latest of these fashions as trendy "transformation" practitioners evolve from design thinking. However, design thinking delivered remarkable improvements in our lives, and so too will future thinking, even if it is a cheap imitation of what professional futurists do.
  • 6 Ways AI Could Disrupt Your Business - Harvard Business Review - Key Insight: Boards must proactively explore and plan for the impact of AI on their organisations to stay ahead in today's rapidly advancing technological landscape.
  • Refocus Your Strategy for Success - Harvard Business Review - The article discusses the importance of implementing a value-based strategy in organisations to drive exceptional performance and financial success.
  • Global Economics Intelligence executive summary, December 2023 - McKinsey & Company - Global economic conditions are mixed, with decreasing inflation, stable retail sales but contracting manufacturing, high long-term interest rates, and rising geopolitical concerns. Respondents view geopolitical instability as the top threat to economic growth. Economic outlook for 2024 is uncertain.

Business at the point of impact:

Emerging issues and technology trends can change the way we work and do business.

  • Has Business Transformation Become Obsolete? - Harvard Business Review - Traditional business transformation plans are likely to fail; leaders need to adopt a new approach focused on regeneration.
  • From Davos To Dominance: How AI Is Rewriting Our Planet and Business - Forbes - The key insight from this article is that while artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionise the world, it also presents significant risks that must be addressed through responsible leadership and governance.
  • A different high-growth story: The unique challenges of climate tech - McKinsey & Company - Capital-intensive, sustainable businesses in the climate tech sector face unique challenges but can access capital and achieve profitable performance. Financing options, collaboration, and efficient scaling strategies are important for success.
  • People Operations As A Critical Differentiator For Employee Experience - Forbes - Prioritising employee experience is crucial for business success. Companies should focus on operational excellence, user-centric design, and leveraging data and AI.
  • What the New Freelance Economy Means for Your Talent Strategy - Harvard Business Review - Embrace open talent and leverage the global workforce to solve challenges. Adapt to the new freelance economy for success.
  • The Platformed Workforce Is Here, And Ready to Work - Forbes - Digital talent platforms have transformed the way organisations acquire skills, connecting millions of freelancers worldwide. These platforms offer a combination of AI technology and human judgment for efficient talent acquisition. Internal talent marketplaces and open innovation practices can also benefit organizations.
  • Seven Sustainability Trends to Watch in 2024 - MIT Sloan Management Review - Key insights: 1. Climate change impacts and increasing pressure for action. 2. Elections' influence on sustainability and climate action. 3. Focus on sustainability reporting and investment. 4. Expansion of clean technology driven by policies and cost reduction. 5. Proliferation of distractions and strawman arguments against climate action. 6. Growth of partnerships to tackle sustainability issues at scale. 7. Anti-ESG movement threat expected to wane, companies to continue sustainability efforts.
  • 9 Trends That Will Shape Work in 2024 and Beyond - Harvard Business Review - Employers who can navigate the nine key trends identified by Gartner researchers will have a competitive advantage in 2024.
  • AI Everywhere: The Unmissable Highlights From Davos 2024 - Forbes - AI's transformative potential, job risks, skill development, ethical governance, and education system adaptation were key topics at Davos 2024.
  • Must-Have Skills For The Workforce Of The Future - - Future workforce skills: practical foresight, adaptability, collaboration, transparency.
  • Sam Altman and offered dueling visions of the future in Davos - Quartz - Contrasting visions of the future at Davos: OpenAI chief emphasises technological prosperity, while prioritizes human intelligence and empathy.
  • The shape of talent in 2023 and 2024 - McKinsey & Company - Key insights: 1. Generative AI is gaining interest in HR departments for talent acquisition and help desks. 2. Upskilling in software coding is important for adapting to changing roles and skill sets. 3. Middle managers play a crucial role in cultural transformation and employee development. 4. Hybrid work models are becoming the norm, with a focus on in-person mentoring and leadership opportunities. 5. Employee well-being and burnout are ongoing concerns, with a need for work-life balance and purpose. 6. Diversity and inclusion are vital, with a focus on gender representation and equal opportunities. 7. Human connection and a human-centered approach are important in HR. 8. Skills-based hiring and internal reskilling efforts are gaining momentum. 9. Older workers may fill gaps in the manufacturing sector through automation. 10. Overall, creating an inclusive work environment is key.
  • 4 Questions to Assess the Trustworthiness of Your Company’s GenAI - Harvard Business Review - Building trust in generative AI is crucial for organisations to fully harness its potential and unlock creativity.
  • What the global elite are saying about AI behind closed doors - All Content from Business Insider - The World Economic Forum in Davos discussed the implementation of AI copilots, the impact on the workforce, concerns about job losses and productivity, operationalising AI by 2024, and the concept of augmentation.
  • Today’s good to great: Next-generation operational excellence - McKinsey & Company - Key Insight: Operational excellence is essential for companies to leverage technology, achieve productivity gains, and navigate the challenges of the current business landscape.
  • How Will AI Reshape Our World? It’s Really Up to Us. - Kellogg Insight - AI is not causing mass unemployment, but rather changing certain professions. Society has time to decide how to use AI and should prioritise diverse voices and transparency.

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