More evenly distributed - The future of social media - impacts and implications for businesses

Social media has become an integral part of business strategy, offering an easy, affordable, and effective way for businesses to promote themselves and connect with customers. Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, X, Pinterest, and LinkedIn enable companies to attract new customers, grow markets, build brand loyalty, interact with customers in real time, advertise and sell products or services, drive website traffic, and monitor competitors.

However, the future of social media is at an inflection point. Upcoming U.S. Supreme Court cases could severely limit platforms' ability to curate their newsfeeds and have wide-reaching consequences for content moderation. The cases involve laws passed in Florida and Texas aiming to address perceived conservative bias on social media. The Court's ruling, expected by July, could shape the future direction of these platforms regardless of the outcome.

At the same time, users are increasingly seeking out more private networks and messaging apps to avoid the toxicity, misinformation, and excessive advertising that have eroded trust in public social media. People desire more intimate, safe spaces to connect, even if it risks creating echo chambers. For businesses, the challenge will be reaching customers on these closed networks without the crutch of digital advertising. It may require social platforms and advertisers to evolve their business models.

Despite the critical role social media plays for many organisations, marketers are starting to question its importance and value. In a recent survey, 22.5% of marketers across B2B and B2C businesses rated social media as the most overrated skill, even above digital marketing in general. Instead, core competencies like marketing strategy, brand management, and data and analytics are seen as undervalued yet essential.

So, what does this all mean for the future of business? Social media is unlikely to go away completely. Major public platforms will continue to coexist with a growing number of private online communities. But companies will need to be more selective and strategic with their social media investments. Choosing the right platforms to engage target audiences, fostering trust and loyalty through authentic interactions, and delivering tangible business value will be paramount. At the same time, businesses can't neglect other core marketing capabilities. Balancing the dynamic social media landscape with long-term strategies to build brand equity and customer relationships will separate the winners and losers. One thing is certain - the future of social media in business will look very different than it does today.

Consider these strategic insights:

Here are some non-obvious, actionable insights for small and medium businesses based on this future of social media report:

  • Embrace micro-influencers on emerging platforms: As users flock to more niche, private social networks, partner with relevant micro-influencers who have highly engaged audiences on these platforms to authentically promote your brand and products.
  • Create exclusive brand communities: Build your own private social networks or groups to foster deep relationships and loyalty with your best customers. Offer insider access, special promotions, and personalised service that incentivises them to join.
  • Experiment with social commerce: Tap into growing comfort with in-app purchases by setting up shoppable posts and streams. Host live shopping events featuring influencers demonstrating your products on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.
  • Double down on customer care: Stand out by providing world-class customer service via social channels. Empower reps to quickly solve issues, compensate for problems, and wow customers. The positive word-of-mouth can be powerful.
  • Invest in owned digital assets: As the social landscape shifts, pour more resources into assets you control like your website, email list, and original content. Use social to support and drive traffic to these properties so you're less vulnerable to platform changes.

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