More Evenly Distributed
October 26, 2023

More evenly distributed - Robotics

Signals from the future

Focus Issue: Robotics

One of the many technologies riding the tail of Generative AI is advanced robotics. Just consider these recent signals:

And then consider some mega-trends happening in the background:

  • Western democracies reshoring manufacturing away from China/Asia
  • Energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction
  • Improvements in battery, availability of 5G, etc.
  • Demand for "infrastructure" i.e. housing, roads, hospitals, cities, climate damage repair/abatement, etc.

All of this means that we are likely to start seeing more and more advanced robotics enter the marketplace. ARK Invest nicely shows how Neural Networks are the catalyst:

A graph showing interconnections between different technology types, with Neural Networks at the centre connecting other  technologies
from ARK Invest Big Idea 2023 - Neural networks as the catalyst for other technologies

Just have a look through this Github linking dozens of research papers across Reasoning, Planning, Manipulation, Instructions & Navigation, and Simulation Frameworks: GT-RIPL/Awesome-LLM-Robotics.

Also, NVIDIA trained a robot hand to do those pen spins we all learned in high school using an LLM (GPT-4).

So, the secret sauce are LLMs and this year has seen an unprecedented leap in capability. Research is increasingly gearing towards enabling LLMs to run on more portable devices or in smaller compute environments.

Another interesting way to look at this is through Metaculus. This website is a variation on a Delphi Method where it sources expert opinions on a range of topics to provide a range likelihood answer to a question.

A graph showing the distribution of expert predictions of when sub $1000 USD robotic manipulators will be generally available in the market. The median is 2031.
The experts at Metaculus have a wide range of predictions for cheap ubiquitous robotics.

The majority of experts in this question are essentially saying that we can be 90% sure that by 2040 sub 1000 USD general purpose robotic manipulators will be available.

But it's never easy to predict the future, which is why futures thinking practitioners advocate for the use of scenarios or multiple futures to help strengthen your strategic thinking.

However, if the emergence of LLMs and generative AI over the past 5 years, and most notably this past year since ChatGPT was released are anything to go on, we might expect advanced robotics to suddenly arrive without warning despite decades of development.

Business at the point of impact

Emerging issues and technology trends can change the way we work and do business. These articles tend to be long-form and are rich with insights.

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